Susan's Cottage House White Whole Wheat (recipe coming soon)
As summer winds down and school starts back up, many breadies are rinsing the sand (or garden soil) off their hands and feet and returning to the kitchen, refreshed and ready to get back into the dough. Those of us who bake bread year round despite the heat—and without the luxury of air-conditioning—are simply thankful that cranking up the oven in order to feed our loved ones peanut butter and raspberry jam sandwiches on homemade Honey Bran Whole Wheat will no longer cause serious amounts of sweating.
Whatever your bread baking situation, it's obvious that we need some fabulous new recipes here on A Year in Bread—and that's where you come in. Beth and I haven't stopped baking bread these past months, but we have been lax about blogging about baking bread—mostly due to physical injuries that both of us managed to sustain and which have been seriously limiting our computer time. (We're best friends, but sometimes it feels like we have a little too much in common!)
So, while we continue to regroup, recover, and re-evaluate what we're doing with this site (so many tips, ideas, and recipes to share, so little time to write about them!), we thought it would be fun to reach out to our readers.
The idea is simple: (most) every Friday we'll be featuring Friday Favorites, where guest breadies have a chance to share their favorite yeast bread recipes with A Year in Bread readers. You can write about any kind of yeast bread in any shape or size—rolls, flatbreads, giant family loaves, etc.—but the recipe must be one you've made more than once (preferably numerous times) and really, really love.
Specialty breads (gluten-free, sourdough, etc.) as well as more complicated recipes are welcome, but to start out we'll be featuring breads that are especially accessible and appealing to beginning and intermediate bakers.
What we're looking for:
You don't need to be a blogger to be featured on Friday Favorites, but you'll need at least one good photo that shows the inside of the bread to go with your recipe. Three to five step-by-step images are encouraged but not required.
Your post should include:
—A brief introduction about your bread and why you love this recipe, any story that goes along with it, and a little bit about yourself and your bread baking experience if desired.
—A list of ingredients in the order they're used, preferably with the weight of each ingredient in both ounces and grams included, along with the volume measurements (but not absolutely necessary).
—Detailed, easy to follow numbered instructions. Click here to see the previously posted Friday Favorites.
We'll need your finished article by the Wednesday before your scheduled Friday. You will, of course, receive full credit for the post, and we'll be happy to include links to your blog and/or flickr page if you have them.
If the recipe you share is an original creation of yours, you'll retain all rights to it. If your recipe is adapted from another source (cookbook, website, etc.) you'll need to credit (and link to, if possible) that source in your post. If your favorite bread recipe happens to be a variation of one of ours, we will of course be thrilled.
So what do you think—are you ready to share your favorite bread recipe? If you are, simply e-mail us (ayearinbread AT gmail DOT com) with FRIDAY FAVORITES as the subject line. Please include your name, blog address and/or flickr page if you have them, and a brief description of your bread recipe in the message. We can't wait to hear from you!
In the meantime, if you don't have a favorite bread yet, you might just find one in our index of recipes.
© Copyright, the yeasty feasty bread baking blog where it's share and share alike, unless you're talking about the crusty heel of a freshly baked baguette—and then it's whoever gets their hands on it first. Please pass the butter!
This is a GREAT idea!!! Now I have to figure out which bread to bake for you. :)
I am on it guys! This blog and Bernard Clayton's bread book have made me a baker. I obsessively take pictures of my bread, I am still so gosh-darned thrilled to have made something so beautiful!
They look just like the rolls I grew up with in Scotland, I've never seen them anywhere else.
I will definitely go for this.... very exciting, as I just started blogging not too long ago
it will take me a couple of weeks, but I do have a favorite bread that is my default levain bread. Since I do the BBA Challenge, I get involved with other breads on a regular basis, but as soon as I get a chance to bake my favorite, I'll send you an email.
Oh I have some wonderful recipes from my grandmothers old cookbooks that I havent used in nearly 20 years! I wont have a pic anytime yet (Till I find all camera parts!) but will get recipe(S) up to you as ASAP as can! This is exciting! Been long time bt time to jump into baking again!
A new breadie....Kim
hi bread lovers.. recently read a message from LongLife magazine quoted "refer to 1984 East-west journal, Ronald Kotsch quoted instant yeast can cause to cancer"
is this true? can we avoid to use instant yeast on our bread?
Mike, new baker @ 3 months...
Post a Comment
Hello breadie! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment at Beth and I try our best to answer all of your questions, but sometimes it takes us a few days to get to them. And sometimes they fall through the cracks, and for that we apologize.
Lots of readers tell us they've found all sorts of helpful info in these comments sections, so you might find that the answer to your question is already here. You can also search for anything on A Year in Bread (and Susan's and Beth's main food blogs) by using the handy google search box at the top right corner of the page. Search for any word, phrase, recipe, etc.
Happy baking!
Please note that you can sign up below to receive future comments added to this post via e-mail, which is handy if you're waiting for a reply from us.
And if someone asks a question and you have an answer, by all means please join in the conversation. The more we share, the better our breads will be!