Hello breadie! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment at AYearInBread.com. Beth and I try our best to answer all of your questions, but sometimes it takes us a few days to get to them. And sometimes they fall through the cracks, and for that we apologize.
Lots of readers tell us they've found all sorts of helpful info in these comments sections, so you might find that the answer to your question is already here. You can also search for anything on A Year in Bread (and Susan's and Beth's main food blogs) by using the handy google search box at the top right corner of the page. Search for any word, phrase, recipe, etc.
Happy baking!
Please note that you can sign up below to receive future comments added to this post via e-mail, which is handy if you're waiting for a reply from us.
And if someone asks a question and you have an answer, by all means please join in the conversation. The more we share, the better our breads will be!
Makes a good ham sandwich with Miracle Whip - according to my wife the shiksa!
That is perfection. And what I wouldn't give to have it for French toast tomorrow morning.
Are you going to give us a recipe?
If you click on the word 'challah' under the photo, it'll take you right to the recipe. : )
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Hello breadie! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment at AYearInBread.com. Beth and I try our best to answer all of your questions, but sometimes it takes us a few days to get to them. And sometimes they fall through the cracks, and for that we apologize.
Lots of readers tell us they've found all sorts of helpful info in these comments sections, so you might find that the answer to your question is already here. You can also search for anything on A Year in Bread (and Susan's and Beth's main food blogs) by using the handy google search box at the top right corner of the page. Search for any word, phrase, recipe, etc.
Happy baking!
Please note that you can sign up below to receive future comments added to this post via e-mail, which is handy if you're waiting for a reply from us.
And if someone asks a question and you have an answer, by all means please join in the conversation. The more we share, the better our breads will be!