Thursday, April 29, 2010

We May Be Two Places At Once, or Not Anywhere at All!

I just found this note to myself stuffed between the sofa cushions. Looks like it was written in late 2007, just about when we were starting this blog...
Notes re: A Year in Bread

  • Don't make stupid assumptions like that you will really quit in a year. You probably won't. Seriously, baking bread with some of your best foodie friends is not a gig you quit lightly.

  • Make sure you map the domain correctly, even if there are good reasons it's easier not to. [ed., see also: hosting on Kevin's server, he who got too busy with all his other gigs and had to leave us.]

  • Even if you ignore the first two [ed., and we did] whatever you do, don't use Blogger's FTP publishing. It will probably be discontinued in a few years and you will have to migrate the site using a process that is much flakier and fraught with peril than needs be. Your site and/or feed may disappear for a while, readers might think you are gone, and it will, in general, suck.
I really should clean out the couch more often. Maybe read my notes to myself. Uh, well, crud...

We're migrating the blog this week. If we seem to disappear, it's only temporary. (And yes, we have the domain wrong, but we're not fixing it now. That would just break it more... ain't technology grand?) The move should happen Thursday-Friday and from what I hear we may be offline intermittently for 24 hours or so.

Questions? Recipe you need right this minute? Drop us a note: aYearinBread (at) gmail (dot) com and we'll try to help you out.
See you on the flip side!


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the move!

Bread Knife said...

Good luck with the move, hope it goes well!

Cheryl said...

You'll appear on my reading list now!
I am sure that it will be a relief to have the foolishness with the technical stuff is done.
I hated it when my website disappeared because my host closed. I was caught off guard and lost the whole thing. Technology.

Zom G. said...

Happy Migrating! My feed is stuck, but I know where to find ya!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I do hope you are going to continue the "year" in bread madness. Has the move taken it's toll and chased you away?

Unknown said...

Hi - great website. I'll be forwarding your link to my mom who is a GREAT Bread Baker! All by hand, no machines allowed. When you get a chance I'd love to have you check out my blog - it's at

Suggestion: Could you add Google Friend Connect to your blog? That way you'll be pullllllled right into my blog. LOL

Thanks! Tina "The Book Lady"

Post a Comment

Hello breadie! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment at Beth and I try our best to answer all of your questions, but sometimes it takes us a few days to get to them. And sometimes they fall through the cracks, and for that we apologize.

Lots of readers tell us they've found all sorts of helpful info in these comments sections, so you might find that the answer to your question is already here. You can also search for anything on A Year in Bread (and Susan's and Beth's main food blogs) by using the handy google search box at the top right corner of the page. Search for any word, phrase, recipe, etc.

Happy baking!

Please note that you can sign up below to receive future comments added to this post via e-mail, which is handy if you're waiting for a reply from us.

And if someone asks a question and you have an answer, by all means please join in the conversation. The more we share, the better our breads will be!