Friday, July 30, 2010

Too hot to bake bread? Make biscuits!

flaky tower

Summer has descended on the northwest like a wet wool blanket. It hit 90 in our little fog valley yesterday, which is far too hot to spend much time in the kitchen. This leaves me craving homemade bread - and other baked goodies - but distinctly avoiding the means of making any.

When that happens, I have a go-to recipe: biscuits.

Specifically, I go to one of the most popular recipes on kitchenMage: my Simple Flaky Biscuits. These babies take just under half an hour to make, which is tolerable even in this heat. They are simple enough for small kids to help, convenient since it's summer vacation.

As a bonus, the biscuits make excellent shortcake so bring on the berries, peaches, and other summer fruit. Hey, peach shortcake! I think I have peaches and it's still cool enough to bake. I'd love to chat but I think I hear biscuits calling my name...


Mimi said...

Yum. Those biscuits look so good!

RobynB said...

Welcome back! Hope this means you are feeling better, despite the heat. Biscuits are definitely the "happy place" baked good for me - kind of like pie, it's always what you really want.

Traci said...

Those biscuits look lovely. I think I will try them tonight instead of the bread I was going to buy.

I am so pleased to find your blog! My daughter and I, recovering sugar addicts, love to bake. Bread is the perfect replacement to our formerly sugar overloaded hobby.

Zom G. said...

These biscuits were fantastic! It is wayyyy too hot to be baking bread (as a fellow missourian can attest), so I waited to the wee hours to bake these little guys. My main squeeze will be surprised to see these on the table with breakfast. Thanks for the easy to-follow recipe.

Unknown said...

I use a similar recipie, but have found that I can get more "flaky layers" by lightly folding (as if you were doing the business letter fold). The crumb will get tough though, if you fold and roll.

Unknown said...

I use a similar recipie (but its hands on, I have a 4 year old son who likes to help); I also do it a little different. I noticed that by working the dough and rolling that it was tough, so I like to bring it just together (as if you were making pastry) and then using a scraper to fold the dough onto itself, and finishing the dough that way. then just pat it out and cut away! they're flaketastic.

Windchimes said...

I like to make English muffins. They are made on my electric griddle, so I don't heat up the entire kitchen/back half of the house to make them. The only problem is, when we run out, we have serious whining in my house...

Norma said...

Great stuff! I keep learning new things every time I come back to your blog.

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