
Sunday, September 16, 2007


Blogger Christy said...

I have a question for everyone. I've been making sourdough bread and it just isn't sour. Is this a function of the starter I have or the recipe I'm using? Is there anyway to sour it up or should I try a new starter?


9/16/2007 6:35 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

We're going to et into sourdough, next month I think, but the answer is that "how sour" is affected by three things. First is the particular wild yeast in your area of the world, second is the lactobacillus that partners with that yeast, and third is the amount of time time you retard or slow down the fermentation of the dough while making the bread.

The last is the only factor you can control.

9/16/2007 8:11 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

Kevin, thanks for the reply. I ordered the starter, would it have come with the lactobacillus with it? So the recipe I'm using could have an effect as far as fermentation time? Maybe I will try another recipe and see if it makes a difference in the sourness. So it is unlikely that my starter will get more sour with time?

9/16/2007 9:40 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

Hard question. The answer is yes, or no depending on the yeast and its history and environment.

My uderstanding is there is little you can do beyond slow fermentation to naturally increase acidity and even that effect is minor.

Another option, though, is what's called "sour salt," which is crsytaline citric acid.
It's an additive, but then so is regular salt, wheat gluten, water, and eggs or milk. In fact, everything's an additive.

9/16/2007 10:26 PM  
Blogger BreadBox said...

I believe that citric acid also has the effect of promoting the yeast growth if used in small quantities: so if you want higher rising doughs you might also consider using this for that reason!


9/27/2007 2:12 PM  

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