
Friday, October 30, 2009

Calling All Breadbakers!

onion cheddar breadsticksBeth's Onion Cheddar Breadsticks (recipe here)

We're making a list and checking it twice...

Do you bake bread and write about it on the web? Post bread porn photos somewhere? If so, please drop a link in the comment section.

To make this easier for us, please make the link as focused on bread as possible, meaning if you write about food in general and have a 'bread' tag or category, link that. Same for flickr, if you post bread photos with a tag, or have a bread set, link to that.

Please make the link text match the site name, and add descriptions after the link.

As an example, my links would be:
kitchenMage: Bread
kitchenMage's Bread flickr set
A Year in Bread (where I write about bread with my Breadie BFF (BBFF) Farmgirl Susan.

I know this is a wide open offer, but we trust y'all to behave. That kid sitting next to you, however, has shifty eyes that keep sliding to 'bread porn' - not sure I trust them!

I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone's sites.

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Blogger Phoo-D said...

Hi there. I'll play!
Phoo-d Bread posts:

Phoo-d Flickr Bread Sets:

10/30/2009 5:41 PM  
Anonymous Lori said...

Lori's Flickr Bread set - I have a new blog with only a few bread photos at this point, so here's my flickr set!

10/30/2009 7:02 PM  
Blogger Bread Maiden said...

I'm at:! I've been enjoying your Year in Bread blog for, well, about a year!

10/30/2009 7:35 PM  
Anonymous Alyssa said...

Bread isn't all I post, but I do post them. I'm at

10/31/2009 9:16 AM  
Blogger Bombay Foodie said...

Here's the link to my bread recipes. As you know, a lot of those are yours!

10/31/2009 12:40 PM  
Blogger Karen Baking Soda said...

Here's the link to my bread at Bake My Day! and Flickr:

10/31/2009 5:54 PM  
Anonymous Astrid said...

Hi here are my links:

Paulchen's FoodBlog: Bread

Paulchen's FoodBlog?! Flickr Set: Bread

11/01/2009 3:12 AM  
Blogger Cathy (Bread Experience) said...

Thanks for hosting this. I love bread! Here is the link to my bread-baking blog where I bake and post about breads weekly

The Bread Experience site( has additional recipes and bread-baking tools & resources for bread bakers.

11/01/2009 9:22 AM  
Anonymous figs&cheese said...

Here is th link to may my bread recipes.

11/01/2009 10:47 AM  
Anonymous carolyn t at said...

I have several yeast bread recipes on my blog. Enjoy this site, so thanks for all the work you guys do on it!


11/01/2009 2:29 PM  
Blogger Bergamot said...

I have some bread recipes on my site too. Been a long time since I baked something new. So here it is


11/01/2009 7:25 PM  
Blogger Andrea Meyers said...

I bake bread!

Andrea Meyers (bread category)

Andrea Meyers (photos tagged bread)

11/02/2009 5:51 AM  
Blogger NKP said...

here is a link to my bread label.
84 entries, woohoo!

11/02/2009 7:03 AM  
Blogger Chilebrown said...

11/02/2009 8:51 AM  
Blogger katie said...

We bake! Here's a couple photo albums of two big bakes we did last winter:

Pitas & Whole Wheat Loaves:

The old method of baking when we carried all the loaves out to the oven:

11/02/2009 9:17 AM  
Anonymous Alanna said...

I collect homemade bread recipes here.

11/02/2009 9:44 AM  
Anonymous Beth said...

I'm Beth, and I've been making a different recipe of bread 6 days a week, this whole calendar year. My blog documenting the process is A Bread A Day.

Happy baking!

11/02/2009 2:01 PM  
Blogger Tzivia said...

My bread blog:

11/02/2009 6:09 PM  
Blogger Hannah said...

What a coincidence that I posted about bread today!

11/03/2009 9:09 AM  
Anonymous Stacey said...

Hi there! Here's the link to the yeast bread category on my blog:
Magnifico! - archive of bread (yeast)

11/03/2009 3:32 PM  
Blogger Jennifer, A Self-Confessed Foodie said...

I don't bake bread as often as I'd like to but here is a link to where bread and bread-like recipes are posted when I make them!

11/03/2009 6:54 PM  
Blogger Mags @ the Other Side of 50 said...

I'd love for you to include my blog's breads. Here's the link:

11/04/2009 11:29 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

Hi! Here are my links:



11/04/2009 7:19 PM  
Anonymous Janneke Verheij said...

Dear Susan and Beth, this are the three bread recipes I posted on my food blog including pictures. There is more to come.

(this is a whole wheat natural beer bread)

(In this post you'll find a silky soft rosemary foccasia)

(My whole wheat bread variation (you received this one also in the mail))

11/06/2009 2:55 AM  
Anonymous Lisa A. said...

I have a brand new blog, so not too many posts yet. But here is my bread catagory.


11/06/2009 1:00 PM  
Anonymous Mimi said...

My blog (Delectable Tidbits) is pretty general but it has been more breadcentric lately. I just tagged all my bread posts as bread and you can now link to me here:

Thanks for doing this!

11/07/2009 5:32 PM  
Blogger Aparna Balasubramanian said...

Love baking bread, but not an expert. Have baked a few and they're at

11/08/2009 8:15 PM  
Blogger Lien said...

Here are my links:


11/10/2009 1:16 AM  
Blogger Lucia from Madison said...

I love baking bread. My site is about cooking dinner but I have some entries about bread -


Aslo a big fan of the No Knead Bread.

11/25/2009 9:56 PM  
Blogger Kristy Richardson said...

I'm an aspiring breadmaker. Though I don't have much yet, I'm hoping ot achieve my goal of 52 loafs in 2010.

Any tips would be welcome, I'm new to bread making and trying to figure out science vs. art. :)

12/29/2009 4:25 PM  
Blogger Lucia from Madison said...

I love to bake bread!
Here are 2 links from my blog about baking.

1/03/2010 6:25 AM  
Blogger Erika said...

Thanks for your inspiring and delicious blog!

I am attempting to transform myself from bread lover to bread baker. This weekend, I embark on the Bread Baker's Apprentice Challenge, inspired by Peter Reinhart's book. I will be documenting my progress over at Loaves and Wishes:

First up: Anadama Bread

1/08/2010 4:09 PM  
Anonymous Stefanie said...

Here is the link to my bread categorie;
I post in german and english, mainly about bread and pastry made with yeast.

1/23/2010 12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad I found this blog! I have started up my own year in bread. It's nice to see other bread makers out there. I post about all kinds of things, and bread is just one of them. But here are my bread posts.

1/28/2010 2:49 PM  
Blogger Arlene Mobley said...

Love your blog! I only have one post on bread making so far. This blog is pretty new.


2/06/2010 1:46 PM  
Blogger Rachel said...

I love baking bread the most.. hee's the link

2/17/2010 7:50 AM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

I am new to blogging.

5/03/2010 3:04 AM  

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